How To Wallpaper Internal Corners
Unfortunately, corners are very rarely perfectly vertical, especially inside corners. This creates a problem as you paper around the corner. The orientation of the paper will shift slightly and it will not be perfectly straight on the next wall. Don’t panic, there is an easy solution, and that is to paper the inside corner with two pieces of paper as detailed below.
How to Wallpaper Inside Corners
1. Measure the distance from the edge of the last piece you hung to the corner. Do this at several points down the wall (top, middle & bottom). Add 15mm to the measurement at the widest point and make a note of it.
2. Take a length of wallpaper, mark the measurement you recorded on the paper and cut to this size (width). When hung this will result in the paper wrapping around the corner on to the next wall by approx 15mm.
3. Cut, paste and (book the paper – if using paste-the-paper wallpaper).
4. Hang the paper as usual, smoothing the paper around the corner onto the adjacent wall. It will be easier to wrap around the corner, if you make a relief cut in the paper at the ceiling and skirting board.
Use a brush to put some paste in the corner before hanging the paper to help the paper adhere well into the corner.
If the paper starts to crease as you push it into the corner, make a small cut in the paper at the crease and then continue.
5. Mark a new plumbline on the adjacent wall to guarantee the next strip of paper hangs straight. The location of the plumbline is dependent on whether you are going to hang a full width of paper, or the offcut from the last piece you cut. Whichever option you choose, measure the width of the strip to be hung and add a few millimeters to this measurement (5mm should do it). Mark a plumbline this distance from the corner.
6. Paste and hang this strip of paper, taking care to match the edge of the paper with the new plumbline, brushing the paper into the corner overlapping the 15mm of paper that has been carried around from the other wall. Match the pattern as well as you can where the two pieces overlap. A slight mismatch is not normally obvious in a corner.
7. Peel back the overlapping pieces and apply some border/overlap adhesive to help them stick to each other. Brush back down with a seam roller.
8. With a damp cloth, wipe off any adhesive from the front of the paper.
Handy Tip: With thinner papers you can leave the papers overlapping or create a ‘double-cut seam’ by slicing through the overlapping pieces and removing the excess. With thicker papers it is advisable to create a ‘double-cut seam’ as the overlap is likely to be more visible.
9. Using a guide and a new snap off blade, cut through the overlapping pieces a few millimeters (⅛ inch) from the corner. A plastic smoothing tool is often a suitable thickness for use as a guide. A good technique is to slide your guide and knife down the wall simultaneously. The guide helps to maintain the same distance of the cut from the wall, as you progress downwards.
Remove the excess paper from both the top and bottom strips. Apply some wallpaper paste to the edge of the strips and press to the wall using a seam roller.
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