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Why Choose WallpaperBuddy™?

Check out our video to see how you can achieve your dream interior quickly and easily with WallpaperBuddy™.

It Makes
Wallpapering Easy

The traditional method of wallpapering is hard work; having to hold folded paper in one hand and align and smooth with the other, is just not that easy! The assistance of a friend is often needed.

Not Anymore!

Take the pain
out of wallpapering!

Does the thought of wallpapering leave you in a cold sweat or reaching for the phone to call a decorator?

Never fear WallpaperBuddy™ is here!

Use with all types of wallpaper!

Check out our easy How To videos for all types of
wallpaper below to get you started on your next project!

Paste-The-Paper Wallpaper

Peel-and-Stick Wallpaper

Paste-The-Wall Wallpaper

Pre-Pasted Wallpaper

Beautiful results, with every kind of wallpaper.

With WallpaperBuddy™, now you can hang wallpaper easily by yourself.

Image of living room with modern wallpaper