Wallpaper or Paint?
Wallpaper vs Paint
Your home is your sanctuary, the space in which you can express yourself freely and relax in at the end of the day. Why not be creative and personalize with colors, textures and patterns that make you smile every time you come home?
Why Choose Paint?
Painted walls can create a beautiful and clean look to any room, and are typically the easiest to implement. A dramatic room can instantly be made soft and airy with the application of a light pale paint colour. It is a task that can be done by nearly anyone, is easy to change, and can be quite inexpensive.
With longer rooms, wallpaper can close the distance and make the space feel more cozy.
Even the smallest room in the house can be transformed into a spectacular space with wallpaper. The same warmth and dramatic effects just can’t be achieved with paint!
For children, there are so many fun designs that can bring additional joy to the room. Age related wallpapers, with designs that can help them feel safe at bedtime.
We Have Some Great News!
If you want a more dramatic transformation that only wallpaper can provide, but the expense of professional installation was putting you off, that no longer needs to be a concern!
You can do this yourself!
Our brand new tool WallpaperBuddy™ makes wallpapering easy. WallpaperBuddy™ holds wallpaper away from the wall at an ideal angle for aligning and smoothing, and helps to reduce bubbles and creases. It’s telescopic design allows you to progress down the wall easily and efficiently, working with both hands free the entire time. At a fraction of the cost of hiring a professional, why not give WallpaperBuddy™ a try.
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If you are new to wallpapering and want more help getting started, then please read the following articles we have prepared for you: