WallpaperBuddy Manufacturing Now BSCI Accredited

Date: 10th October 2022, UK

WallpaperBuddy™ is pleased to announce its manufacturing facility has achieved accreditation via the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI).

The BSCI is the European social monitoring system for ethical sourcing initiated by the Brussels-based Foreign Trade Association (FTA). The audit assesses manufacturing facilities and gardes against 11 code of conduct principles including staff empowerment, fair pay and not using child labour.

The amfori BSCI Code of Conduct refers to international conventions such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Children’s Rights and Business Principles, UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights, OECD Guidelines, UN Global Compact and International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions and Recommendations relevant to improve working conditions in the supply chain.

Find out more about WallpaperBuddy™ here.

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